Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Reasons For And Against Euthanasia - 2899 Words

1.0 Introduction Euthanasia is a widely discussed topic around Australia. Many individuals are in favour however, other individuals are strongly opposed to it. This report will investigate the reasons for and against euthanasia and suggest amendments to the law to enhance the legislation. Euthanasia should be governed by legislation however leniency should be extended to certain individuals under strict guidelines. Establishing the optimal result is very difficult due to the complexity of the subject at hand. There are also Ethical values to also consider. When the topic at hand is concerned with the life or death of a person the decision will not be taken lightly. 2.0 Investigation 2.1 Definition Euthanasia can be defined as ‘the†¦show more content†¦(Zdenkowski, 1996, pg. 23). As research for this paper a survey was conducted of 70 people to assess their knowledge and understanding of euthanasia. (SurveyMonkey) Of those surveyed, 94% stated they had an understanding of the topic while 6% stated they had no knowledge. The priorities as identified by the respondents include: †¢ To die with dignity †¢ The right to end your life †¢ The right to choose your time of death †¢ The choice to end your life †¢ The ending of life using medical drugs †¢ A humane death for people and animals †¢ Assisted death The term Euthanasia is interpreted differently by many individuals. The reason for this can be because of personal experience(s) and/or beliefs and feelings. 2.2 Current Legislation The current legislation that is in place regarding euthanasia is the ‘Euthanasia Laws Act 1997 (Cth)’, and the â€Å"Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation Act 2012 (Cth)† - which was created to amend the considerably out dated ‘Euthanasia Laws Act 1997 (Cth). The Bill however, has not yet been passed by parliament. The Legislative Assembly, (as noted in schedule 2, sub-section 23(1)) has the power to construct legislation in regards to the withdrawal/withholding of medical and/or surgical treatments that will extend the life of a patient; the provision of medical treatment whilst the patient is undergoing palliative care and the repeal of legal sanctions that prevent attempted suicide

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